Is It Time to Change Your Locks? Here’s How to Tell

Is It Time To Change Your Locks? Here’s How To Tell

Is It Time to Change Your Locks? Here’s How to Tell

Having locks on your home’s doors and windows is necessary in today’s world. However, even the very best locks won’t last forever and will, at some point, need to be changed.

There are a wide range of reasons that you may want to consider changing your locks, from security reasons to just plain wear and tear. The key, however, is to know when it’s time to change your locks, and this guide will teach you how.

When You Lose Your Keys

Losing your keys can be highly inconvenient, and it can be dangerous as well.

If you lose them near your home or if they fall into the hands of someone who knows where you live, this opens your home up to burglary and vandalism. Furthermore, even if someone returns your keys to you, you cannot be sure that copies of the keys were not made while they were out of your possession.

For these reasons, it’s always good to have your locks changed if you lose or misplace a key. Even if you have an extra copy or you end up finding your keys later, it’s always better and smarter to be safe rather than sorry.

When You Move Into a New Home

When people move into a new home, they often assume that the landlord has changed the locks or that the previous owners no longer have the keys.

Unfortunately, though, this is not always the case. While it’s sad to think you have to be so cautious, it’s still wise to go ahead and change your locks or ask your landlord to change the locks anytime you move into a new home. That way, you can sleep soundly knowing that no one has access to your home except for you.

When You Need an Upgrade

Sometimes, it’s smart to change your locks just because it’s been a long time since you’ve done so. Locks, like all technology, are always changing and evolving, which means that that lock you loved a few years ago may not be as high-tech or effective anymore.

To stay as safe as you possibly can, and to always have the most effective locks, it is important to upgrade your lock regularly.

When You Spot Visible Rust

Other than being unattractive, you might not think that rust on your locks is any big deal. In truth, though, rust is more than just ugly. It can also mean that your lock is weaker then you think. In turn, that means that you may not be as protected and safe as you believe.

Rather than taking a chance with your own safety and with the safety of your possessions, it’s always a good idea to change your locks once you spot rusting or other signs of major wear.

When You Say Goodbye to a Domestic Employee

Many people hire others to work in their homes and, as a result, give those people their keys.

Examples include nannies, pet-sitters, contractors and more. And no matter how much you trust these people, when your relationship with them ends, it’s a smart idea to change your home’s locks.

Whether your relationship ended on favorable terms or not, anger and resentment could exist without you knowing, and you don’t want those feelings taken out on your property. Furthermore, your trusted contractor could have allowed the keys to be in another person’s possession, thereby posing a risk to you.

For your own safety and peace of mind, it’s just best to go ahead and change your locks in this situation.

As you can see, there are many good reasons to change your locks. If one of them applies to your situation, just call the friendly locksmiths at Ben’s Locksmith for assistance at 954-200-1889


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